FXA-102 I2C Expander

FXA-102 I2C Expander

64 channel I2C GPIO expansion

The FXA-102 provides 64bit of General-Purpose Input / Output (GPIO) which are controlled via I2C. It is 3,3V and 5V compatible and based on four 16bit I2C Port Expander (PCA9535). To simplify debugging each channel is equipped with a status led. Using the optional Phoenix Contact UMK housing, the FXA-102 can be installed on a DIN rail. The dual row 2,54mm pin headers allow usage with IDC20 connectors or wire wrap cables.

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The FXA-102 provides 64bit of General-Purpose Input / Output (GPIO) which are controlled via I2C. It is 3,3V and 5V compatible and based on four 16bit I2C Port Expander (PCA9535). To simplify debugging each channel is equipped with a status led. Using the optional Phoenix Contact UMK housing, the FXA-102 can be installed on a DIN rail. The dual row 2,54mm pin headers allow usage with IDC20 connectors or wire wrap cables.

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