Model in the Loop (MIL)

One of the most important parts for any successful AD/ ADAS application is the software and control logic for the vehicles control and safety functions. Safety is always a top priority so modeling as many situations as possible and to test the software as detailed as possible is a critical step in the development for any system in this field.

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Konrad Technologies ADAS/ AD Test With Sensor Fusion XIL Test V Diagram

Comprehensive Model in the Loop (MIL) Testing for ADAS Sensor Fusion Development

A Model in the Loop (MIL) test system enables the engineer to build a realistic model and replace an ideal model in the simulation with his own more realistic build and afterwards test it and improve it continuously.

To complete a realistic Model, the following is required:

ADAS Car Sensor Icon

Vehicle Dynamics Software to simulate dynamics of the vehicle, as well as sensor locations and driving behavior

virtual reality icon

Scenario Simulation Software to simulate the environment of Road, Traffic, Obstacles, and other environmental influences

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High performance processing power

Testing Management Icon

Test Automation

MIL test is only one of the steps in the developing process and once the Model is successfully tested the next step is to integrate some real Hardware and continue testing it with selected hardware components

Konrad Technologies ADAS Model in the Loop Software in the Loop Flowchart
Konrad Technologies ADAS MIL/SIL Diagram
Konrad Technologies ADAS MIL Test Platform Diagram

Our ADAS sensor fusion test platform can already be applied in the Model in the Loop Stage (MIL) and we provide the option to upgrade/ duplicate it for Hardware in the loop test (HIL).

Below we want to present to you several solutions for AD/ ADAS Sensor fusion test and if you are facing the same challenge to validate AD/ ADAS sensors and controllers, you are very welcome to contact us with your specific requirements, so that we can propose a suitable solution for your individual circumstances.


Konrad Technologies MIL Vehicle Dynamics Software

Vehicle Dynamics Software

If we want to simulate the driving behavior of the Ego vehicle, we need sophisticated software that is able to accomplish that with a high level of accuracy.

Konrad Technologies is working with multiple partners in this field, and we are always considering customers' requirements and preference before selecting the vehicle dynamics software which will be integrated to the complete MIL system.

Konrad Technologies MIL Scenario Modeling Software

Scenario Modeling Software

To simulate the environment the Ego vehicle is navigating through scene simulation software is a critical component. It allows to simulate road participants such as passengers, vehicles, animals etc., but also buildings, roads, tunnels and environmental conditions such as a change in weather.

Konrad is working with multiple partners in this field, and we are always considering customers' requirements and preference before selecting the scenario modelling software which will be integrated to the complete MIL system.

Konrad Technologies High Performance Computing

High-Performance Computing

A MIL system requires vehicle dynamics, scenario simulation and complex software models and algorithms under test, all running on a High-performance computer.
This computer requires to be highly customized, so it meets all the requirements of the integrated software components.

Konrad can discuss and define a suitable solution for your unique requirements leveraging current high performance computing technology from NI and other suppliers.

Konrad Technologies MIL Test Automation

Test Automation

Once the complete MIL system is integrated a test strategy is required to be able to take care of the large number of simulations and tests that the engineer has to validate.

For this, test automation is a useful tool so that once the test plan and respective simulation is defined, we can combine multiple test cases and automate them so we can run simulations fully automatically for long periods of time without additional modification work and later analyze them.

Konrad Technologies Engineering Services AD/ADAS-HIL system

Engineering Services

We offer requirement analysis and integration to the complete ADAS-MIL system with automation software tools, vehicle dynamics & ADAS scenario software.

This enables you to create the desired test case at ease. We provide a high level of flexibility compared to our peers in this field.

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